Contact the Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs
In 1996, the Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs was formed after two nights of public hearings before the City Council, when hundreds of people from the community showed up to voice opposition to yet another development proposal for the Bluffs. The original purpose of the Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs was to secure Public acquisition of the Carpinteria Bluffs. Our group consists of many enthusiastic, dedicated, credible individuals with a long and proven commitment to preserving the Bluffs.
Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donations are tax deductible. Our Federal Employer I.D. Number is 77-0434858.
Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs, Post Office Box 700, Carpinteria, CA. 93014
Contact Us!
For general information about the Bluffs: Info@carpinteriabluffs.org
For information regarding land use & conservation issues: LandUse@carpinteriabluffs.org
For information regarding education (the Bluffs as an outdoor classroom) & the Katie Roberts Bluffs Day: Education@carpinteriabluffs.org
For more information on how to support our efforts with a donation: Donate@carpinteriabluffs.org
Board of Directors:
Patrick Crooks, President 805.637.2742
John Tilton, Treasurer & Vice President Finance
Whitney Abbott, Recording Secretary
Susan Allen, Vice President Land Use
Jessica Mayor, Vice President Education
Andrea Adams Morden
Christie Boyd
Gary Campopiano
Mauricio Gomez
Bunni Lesh
Ted Rhodes
Marty Selfridge
Arturo Tello
Kristin Van Der Kar
Advisory Board:
David Anderson
Jack Baker*
Bud Bottoms*
Jeff Bridges
Nancy Broeker
Dorothy Campbell*
Frank Davis*
Owen Dell
Devon Dibble
Susette Dubek*
Sally Eagle
Ellen Easton
Dan Emmet
Rae Emmet
Wayne Ferren
Gordon Ghirann
Karen Gruszka-Tello
Roger Green*
Charles Hamilton
Sue Higman*
Peggy Jones
Louise Moore
Advisory Board Cont’d:
Kim Neilsen
Patsy Noveski
Peggy Oki
Ralph Philbrick*
Joyce Powell
Craig Price
Jean Schuyler*
San Francisco:
Frank Boren
Mark Massara
San Luis Obispo:
Michael Jencks
Suzanne Benech Field
Yvon Chouinard