Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs

Help Protect the Carpinteria Bluffs

An out-of-town developer has proposed building a large-scale luxury resort on the Carpinteria Bluffs. This proposal is incompatible with the Carpinteria Bluffs Nature Preserve, Harbor Seal Rookery and Quality of Life for the Community of Carpinteria.



Sunrise Ceremony – Sunday March 30,2025

Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs is holding its twenty-seventh annual Sunrise Ceremony on Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 7 AM at the Mishopshno Meadow of the Carpinteria Bluffs.  The Citizens group suggests that early risers wishing to attend the dawn event should plan to arrive at the meadow by 6:45 AM.

In partnership with Chumash descendant Julie Tumamait-Stenslie, Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs has been holding this annual spring spiritual observance since 1999.   As she has done in the past, Tumamait-Stenslie invites other members of the Chumash community as well as members of the general public to join her and the Citizens group in this annual gathering of celebration.  She encourages participants to bring a poem, story, or song to share in the language of their ancestors.

Rincon Gateway Bluffs

On February 14, 2015, Meredith Hendricks, the Executive Director of the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, announced an exciting Valentine’s Day gift to our community: the Land  Trust had just acquired the 2.48 acre Rincon Gateway Bluffs, formerly known as the King Property, through the most generous support of a local private foundation, the La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation. Nestled next to the Carpinteria Bluffs and Rincon Bluffs Preserve, this ecologically significant land—once considered for development, including a proposed “glamping” site—will now remain undeveloped and preserved for the benefit of the public and future generations.

“Our community is realizing its dream of conserving more Carpinteria Bluffs coastal open space,” said Patrick Crooks, President of Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs. “Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs is proud to be part of this latest acquisition achievement led by the Land Trust of Santa Barbara County, largely made possible by the big-hearted support of a local foundation and the willingness of the former landowner to sell.”

This is a major win for conservation and for all who cherish our coastline. Rincon Gateway will protect vital open space while serving as a reminder of what can be accomplished when the community, local partners, and dedicated organizations work together. Looking ahead, we hope to expand the Rincon Bluffs Preserve even further through this kind of continued collaboration.




[Photo by Mauricio Gomez]

Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs Mission Statement

The goal of the Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs is to preserve forever the Carpinteria Bluffs as open space.

We use educational and promotional activities to raise public knowledge and appreciation of the Bluffs and its natural features. We aim to ensure that the Bluffs remain an area for active and passive recreation.

As Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs, we assert that the Bluffs property is a symbol larger than itself, a legacy we should bestow to future generations, and a treasure crucial to the quality of the coastline that is worth preserving for all.

Current Landholding

Current Landholding

The 51.8 acres of the Bluffs property, originally zoned as Planned Unit Development, was saved in 1998 from development through the efforts of Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs in partnership with the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County.

Open Space Benefits

Open Space Benefits

The Bluffs provide unlimited public access to open space and to our coastal wonders for the citizens of the City of Carpinteria, the Carpinteria Valley and the greater South Coast area.

Help Us Conserve

Help Us Conserve

The direct benefit to a community from public open space acquisition is often difficult to quantify. Your gifts help us preserve an extraordinary space for all to enjoy!

Help Us Conserve the Carpinteria Bluffs!

All gifts made payable to Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Citizens for the Bluffs is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. You will receive a written acknowledgement of your donation.  You can send checks to: Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs, P. O. Box 700, Carpinteria, CA. 93014